Cancer has changed my life in many ways. Before going through cancer I was like many others who thought it could never happen to them. I didn’t have much knowledge about it either. When I was diagnosed it felt like my whole world was crashing down. Going through cancer has taught me to live each day to the fullest and to never take anything for granted. It makes you forget about all the pointless things going on in life. It made me learn to be more positive and to keep a smile on my face thought the hardest times.

My family’s supported me the whole way, and I really appreciate them and realize that my family is the most important. Being in remission makes me want to help others now going through the same thing that I went through.

I know first hand what it’s like to go through cancer treatments and having my friends and family around makes everything so much easier.

If I were to receive a grant from the Nicki Leach Foundation I would really like to use it towards my schooling needs. In the fall I will be attending college and I am completely unprepared. I would spend the money to buy a computer, and all my school supplies.

Thank you, for accepting my application
